

Research, scholarship, and creative works (RSCW) at the 北科罗拉多大学 是北卡大学的核心 战略框架 为我们的学生提供一个 改变教育. The mission of the 研究和赞助项目办公室 is to support and promote 皇冠app官方版下载教职员工和学生的RSCW.   





The following individuals have received outstanding awards and grants for the work 在各自的领域.

Jieun Lee is Colorado's Sole Recipient of the 2024 NSF ADVANCE Award for Groundbreaking 盖亚的倡议

Dr. Lee’s ADVANCE Golden Compass Onward: Geospatial sciences Alliance for 国际 women faculty Advancement (GAIA) award brings the 北科罗拉多大学 and two STEM professional societies, the American Association of Geographers (AAG) and the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science (UCGIS), into a partnership to identify and address systemic inequities, specifically experienced by foreign-born women faculty, in academic workplaces in Geography and Geospatial Sciences. The GAIA project will gather and synthesize intersectional qualitative and quantitative data on barriers and lived experiences of all women faculty, particularly foreign-born women scholars, to inform equity systemic change toolkits for deployment in Geography 和地理空间科学系. 要了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装GAIA项目的信息, 请按此.



泰勒Engstrom & Andrea James Secure NIH Grant for Groundbreaking Research on Zebrafish & 视网膜中央凹发展

泰勒Engstrom (UNC Physics) and Andrea James (Biology) will work with 12 physics and biology majors who will gain undergraduate research experience in this National Eye Institute three-year interdisciplinary project, “Developing new biophysical models of choroid fissure closure in zebrafish and foveal pit formation across species”. The project will address a basic research need for quantitative eye morphogenesis models that are tested against experimental data and that can shed light on biophysical 眼睛发育过程中的机制. 这些模型将有助于治疗和预防 眼睛的发育性疾病. 有关这项研究的更多信息 project, 请按此. 

Tyler Engstom and Andrea James stand with their group of fellow researchers.

生物系教授韩玉燕 & 尼古拉斯·普伦赢得皇冠app官方版下载的第二个2024年NIH开拓补助金 CBG & CBD在脂肪肝疾病中的研究

This project, “The therapeutic effect of cannabigerol (CBG) with or without cannabidiol (CBD) in diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” will directly engage UNC biology students in research to evaluate the anti-inflammatory therapeutic effects of CBD and CBG in reducing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), one of the leading causes of chronic liver disease, which can progress to a more advanced state (NASH) 目前没有治疗. 初步数据表明大麻素会减弱免疫 cell recruitment, suppresses inflammatory mediator release, and thus mitigate liver 饮食对小鼠造成的损害. 这项研究将提供关键的治疗效果 data about CBG and CBD for NAFLD/NASH for the first time in mice, which will benefit future cannabinoid-related animal and human studies; and provide in-depth information about molecular mechanisms in which CBG alone or with CBD diminishes NAFLD/NASH progression.  有关该研究项目的更多信息, 请按此. 

Yuyan Han and Nicholas Pullen Win pose for a photo in front of a tree.

恭喜露辛达Shellito, 沙龙Bywater-Reyes, & 切尔西·罗慕洛谈胜利 the NSF RISE Award: “COOLER - COmmunity COllaboration and LEarning for climate Resilience”. 

The goal of the COOLER project is to build a learning ecosystem around climate change 北科罗拉多恢复力. This planning grant supports the development of trans-disciplinary climate change curricula, as well as connections between UNC students, faculty, and community groups that promote learning together, supporting each other, and collaborating 皇冠app安卓下载安装应对该地区气候变化的项目. 了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装 COOLER here

露辛达Shellito, 沙龙Bywater-Reyes, and Chelsea Romulo stand under their tent for the COOLER program.

艾萨克·瓦纳西卡,莫里斯·哈里斯, & 杰里·莱昂斯赢得第一轮国家科学基金会史诗奖助金 Innovation: “Enabling Meaningful External Research Growth in Emergent Technologies (EMERGE)”.

The EMERGE project consists of a four-member cohort that also includes Kettering University, University of the Incarnate Word, and Western Carolina University. 通过共享的 被R认可为合作伙伴的愿景&D,将研究成果转化为实践; and talent development in emerging technology fields, EMERGE partners will build capacity to more effectively integrate into regional innovation ecosystems and establish collaborative 与新兴技术项目的关系. Dr. Wanasika将领导联合国军司令部的工作 to expand the regional innovation ecosystem and foster economic development; advance career-readiness/workforce development to support regional/state-wide needs; and support the needs of UNC faculty, students, and regional stakeholders through the promotion 技术转移和使用启发研究. 

艾萨克·瓦纳西卡,莫里斯·哈里斯, and Jeri Lyons Win pose with their fellow researchers.